Well, Fall is definitely showing up around our necks of the woods. Crisp cool mornings, warm days and cooler evenings. As we get into the fall the holidays are soon upon us, with this occurrence knitters start getting ready for what they want to make for loved ones, friends or themselves.
Now you must understand a couple of the knitter's in our group don't make gifts for others, because when they have done so in the past it is amazing what uses become of their hard work. To protect the innocent and what they have said, we'll let this go unsaid. However, other knitters in the group are fortunate enough to knit gifts and have them greatly appreciated.
Right now the group is finishing up projects they have made for themselves. Cynthia joined our group during the late summer. I met her from doing a crochet edging for a beautiful shawl she made for her daughter. It was one of her first projects and she did a really great job. It was pretty involved as it required her doing cables, which means, you put so many stitches on a temporary holder and either hold the stitches to the back or the front, knit a couple of stitches and then go back to the temporary holder and knit those stitches. It is a little frightening the first couple of times you do this but then you say to yourself, not bad and I can do that!!! I didn't get a pictures of that shawl but I will have Cynthia bring it in. She recently completed a summer top and so I am going to include that project.
Then we have our sock lady aka Bev. She made a beautiful shawl called "The Peace Shawl" which she bought into to show us last week. We all ooh and aahed and Lisa the owner of Auburn Needlework's liked it so much, she is going to order the pattern for sale at her shop. It was quite busy last Thursday as many who come on Friday, came on Thursday as the resident teacher (Nancy) was not able to make Friday and came in on Thursday.
So enjoy the pictures and I will get us caught up for this week in a couple of days.
Additionally, Carolyn our knitting friend who has not been with us for a couple of months as she was doing Chemo treatments rejoined us last week. It is so nice to have her back. She looks good is getting back into the knitting groove as well. Welcome back Carolyn, you were missed.
Donna checking out Bev's shawl
Now you must understand a couple of the knitter's in our group don't make gifts for others, because when they have done so in the past it is amazing what uses become of their hard work. To protect the innocent and what they have said, we'll let this go unsaid. However, other knitters in the group are fortunate enough to knit gifts and have them greatly appreciated.
Right now the group is finishing up projects they have made for themselves. Cynthia joined our group during the late summer. I met her from doing a crochet edging for a beautiful shawl she made for her daughter. It was one of her first projects and she did a really great job. It was pretty involved as it required her doing cables, which means, you put so many stitches on a temporary holder and either hold the stitches to the back or the front, knit a couple of stitches and then go back to the temporary holder and knit those stitches. It is a little frightening the first couple of times you do this but then you say to yourself, not bad and I can do that!!! I didn't get a pictures of that shawl but I will have Cynthia bring it in. She recently completed a summer top and so I am going to include that project.
Then we have our sock lady aka Bev. She made a beautiful shawl called "The Peace Shawl" which she bought into to show us last week. We all ooh and aahed and Lisa the owner of Auburn Needlework's liked it so much, she is going to order the pattern for sale at her shop. It was quite busy last Thursday as many who come on Friday, came on Thursday as the resident teacher (Nancy) was not able to make Friday and came in on Thursday.
So enjoy the pictures and I will get us caught up for this week in a couple of days.
Additionally, Carolyn our knitting friend who has not been with us for a couple of months as she was doing Chemo treatments rejoined us last week. It is so nice to have her back. She looks good is getting back into the knitting groove as well. Welcome back Carolyn, you were missed.
Donna checking out Bev's shawl

Cynthia showing us her summer sweater top.

So wonderful to see the projects that you all are completing. The Peace Shawl turned out so beautiful. I hope to be able to join you again at some point, I've been a little more wheelchair bound than normal and it makes it hard to get out and about. So wonderful to hear that Carolyn is back and in the knitting groove. I'm busy trying to complete all those UFO's I have around the house and I'm very close to accomplishing that. Hope to see you all soon, Love Janice Whiteside
ReplyDeleteJanice, we have been wondering where you been. Sorry to hear you are not doing well. Hopefully, you will be able to join us soon. Yes, and it is great having Carolyn back with us.