6-21-10 Another update on Stretchy Bind off and another way of doing P2togtbl (together thru back loog)
Stretchy Bind/Cast Off:
Knit 2, slip both sts back to the left needle and K2togtbl.
*K1, slip 2 back to left needle and K2togtbl
Repeat from * until you are finished with your bind/cast off
Here is another version of this stitch that was recommended to me from another knitter on ravlery.com, I love it as I always find doing this st a little hard:
Purl the first of the two stitches with yarn in front, slip the purled stitch back to left needle and slip the 2nd stitch over it. Then slip the stitch over to the right needle.
Updating, here is another link I found:
Well here are a couple of different blogs and/or resources for your reference. All you have to do is click on the links I have shown below:
This site brings you to Judy's site. Click on techniques and then you will see a couple of different techniques listed. You will want to click on the link that says Judy's Magic Cast On (knotless version) and then you will want to click on Judy's Magic On instructions. Her site gives you some great information and a couple of free patterns.
I came upon this one today (9-11) and think you will enjoy this one.
Coco Knits, this site provides some excellent tutorials and other stuff:
http://cocoknits.com/I'll add more as some are either recommended or I stumble across them.