Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It HasBegun--Travel Scarf and Scarf Classes

Well our local knitting group has gotten the Travel Scarf on the road. It is fun to see how everyone is getting excited and asking "Where is my scarf so I can get going?" We are all different so I am sure hoping everyone likes how their scarf comes out.

Some of us have also been going over to Auburn Needlework's for the "free monthly scarf" class. Each month "AN" is handing out a free scarf pattern. The first month we learned how to knit the "Fusili Scarf" and this past Monday, we got together and are now working on "Yarn Over Scarf". The YO Scarf is a pretty simple pattern involing Yarn overs and Knits.

The turn-out yesterday was pretty good. Met some new people who had not been to a class. It was fun to see how everyone's scarf was turning out based on the type of yarn they were using. I'm using a yarn that starting coming out a little bulky so Gerri suggested that I try doing a "double yarn over". Tried it and do like how it is coming out, except I'm having to remember to yarn over twice and then dropping 2 yo sts as well.

Next month, the class will be March 8th, and the scarf pattern will be "Feather and Fan". So everyone mark the date and come on over. The classes are in the afternoon and they are beginning at 2:00 p.m.